Engineer, Mixer
One of those records that has an unconventional path. The original recordings were done by Joe Queer @ Scabby Road Studios, due to a lineup change it was decided to replace the original drums. The new drums, some bass and vocals were completed at Crackle & Pop! where the record was also mixed. Awesome Ramones styled rock n roll. And yes, there's a baseball theme.
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Producer, Engineer, Mixer
Dean Johnson is hands down one of Seattle's finest singer / songwriters and an undiscovered gem. Those in the know await eagerly the arrival of a proper full length recording. For now we feast on the crumbs. Recorded at Avast, finished up at Crackle & Pop!
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Producer, Engineer, Mixer
Guitar wiz & writer / editor at the Fretboard Journal, Brian had been saving up these songs for quite some time. Tracked at Avast Recording with Eric Eagle, Keith Lowe and Dan Walker and featuring the strings of Barb Hunter and horns of Hans Teuber, this record has an organic 70s feel.
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